My daughter, who is married and lives away from home , seems to labour under a mistaken apprehension these days........She believes that i am running quite amuck around the house, having got oodles of empty time and nothing much else on my hands and commissioned me to do something positive with it......." you have to utilise your time, amma",...she lectured me on...."and please just don't sit there pining for me"....And she ordered me to write down a recipe for her everyday......" It would be good for me and who knows?....might come in useful for others like me".....
So,....here it is.....A godhuma (wheat flour) dosa........I am not assuring you this is going to be a great eat........Nothing of that sort.....It is quite homely, almost tasteless when eaten solely ....But the great thing is it is so simple.... .Something you can make in a jiffy literally, ...... Something you would want to make when you come home tired from your school and long for something hot and filling....Or you wake up late in the morning and have no time for elaborate breakfasts.......Or when unexpected guests come calling.....Does not need any fancy ingredients... and usually never goes out of stock at home.....
I my self used to have them at Bandar when my aunt used to make them....something she specialised in.......Whenever Babai had those pangs of untimely hunger.......He sometimes had them at 10 in the night ......Aunt would girdle her self up and non-challantly serve them......Like Aladdin"s genie......
Take a measure of wheat flour......A small cup could get you three or four dosas.....Add the same measure of water..or if you like it ,.. few more drops and whip up into smooth batter, for wheat flor tends to form lumps.....,and salt (according to your taste) ......Heat a pan.....Take care to see that non-stick pans are medium hot as dosas tend to tie themselves into knots when the tawa is too hot.......Make dosais with the batter......and oil them.....Use butter if you would like.....These would take a few seconds more than the general dosais and flip to the other side when one side is done light brown.......Take them off after the other side is done too and THAT IS IT.......
You can have them with all kinds of chutneys,...raithas,....curries or simply with salads too since there is actually not too much of a difference between the godhuma dosa or roti........This one is softer and goes down elderly throats a lot easier than rubbery rotis and tough chapaathis.........You can eat it with simple salted curds and onions too....Or could experiment when you are in a mood for it by making a roll of it with burrito filling......Or better still......Make your own desi burrito......Toss some cooked rice with a dash of lemon and roasted peanuts, or sprouts or peas and finely cut chilli, onion pieces , few cooked vegetables and top it with sour cream or cheese.....roll it in a dosa and it might even make up for a meal too.....