Photo courtesy:SamiAR
Many times we get unnerved by the curious twists and turns that life takes and just can not figure out how and why certain incidences happen or do not happen...Like the missing piece of a jig-saw puzzle, these things keep nibbling at the brain at the oddest of times, while we vainly grope for answers... why did it happen this way?...I personally think that TIME--the greatest healer and leveller--alone can give a clue to some of those life"s riddles...
Einstein once said famously that "God does not play dice"...Another famous line goes that "God moves mysteriously"...May be HE does....and..we, the mere mortals do not often grasp the line he is taking ...Even if we set aside the concept of a God,.. Destiny,..that inexorable flow of events,is as much of a mystery as the Lord himself....and we realise the fact,sometimes only on hindsight..sometimes never in this life time and may be sometimes over a loooooooooooong string of births......But when we are fortunate enough to do that, it is indeed a breathtaking vision as we look back on the medley of events and see the exquisite pattern that emerges out of all that jumble,..designed by that master craftsman ...it makes sense,and finally we are at peace...

Photo courtesy:SamiAR